Monday, October 11, 2010

We Finally Made It - Life on the Standby List

We finally made it!

Right now I'm sitting in the living room sipping my Kona coffee and enjoying the sound and smell of the ocean that's outside the back of our condo. There are 2 roosters crowing and a lovely breeze blowing in from the sea.

Yes, I said roosters crowing....they run around all over the island. They're not the typical white feathered fowl you maybe thinking of. They have beautiful colored plummage and patterns. I will post some pictures so you can see how pretty they are.

We don't have anything planned for today, but that's part of the beauty of vacation. I would be perfectly content to walk along the beach or read a book everyday....I'm pretty easy to please.

My only gripe is no internet...I'm writing this post on my cell phone! Thank heavens I have small hands!


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