Friday, October 15, 2010

Hawaiian Monk Seal

I don't know if you guys know this, but there are only 2 animals that are indigenous to the Hawaiian Islands. The Monk Seal and some kind of bat. Everything else has been brought here by humans.

I had the rare pleasure of seeing a Monk Seal last evening! Aside from being incredibly endangered they are very beautiful.

We saw this little female, she's 3 years old and has been coming to this spot on the shore to rest everyday for the past week. I couldn't help by notice how much she looks like my dog when he's sleeping. The Hawaiian name for the seal stands for "the dogs that play in rough waters."

I plan on returning to this area of shore line to see if she is still resting there. I'd love to get more pictures of her and perhaps a juvenile that has been there as well. From what I've been told he is going through his first molting.

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