Sunday, October 10, 2010

Are We There Yet? Life On the Standby List

Ok, I know I should be grateful that we were able to use  Delta Buddy Passes for our vacation.....but it took 11 hours and getting bumped from 4 flights before we could get on a plane to LA!

By the time we got to LA we'd missed all the flights to Hawaii so we're crashing at a Holiday Inn for the night. We're praying that we can get on the flight to Lihue tomorrow!

I think the flight volume to LA was heavy this weekend since there's a NASCAR race in California too. Didn't even occur to me to check when and where the next race would be.

Our luggage has already started to's been in Hawaii for sometime now. Right now I'm hoping that my bra and underwear dry in time to put on tomorrow. I had to wash them out, I smelled like airport funk! So I'm sitting here wrapped in a towel writing this post and pushing fluids. Flying sucks all the moisture out of my body!

My face feels tight since all I had to wash it with was the bar soap and the hotel hand and body lotion to moisturize with. But, I have faith that all will work out well tomorrow!

I'll post some pictures and updates once we arrive!

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