Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Drop Dead Diva Filming

Hello BB Fans! This is just a random observation that I thought you might be interested in.

I went to Ulta Monday morning around 9:30, but ended up having to kill time at Barnes and Noble since they don't open till 10:00. Looked at some beauty books, but didn't end up buying anything. When I left the bookstore it was still a bit early for Ulta to open, so I sat down on a bench to enjoy the lovely day.

I guess I should explain that I was at an outdoor mall, so while waiting for Ulta I looked across the street and noticed a bunch of metal poles leaning against one of the store fronts. I didn't think too much of it as there are still alot of empty stores and new stores moving in, but I did notice a handful of women walking around in front of Dillard's that were dressed to the nines. I thought it was strange, cause people around here don't get that gussied up this early in the morning. Next thing I know I hear someone yell "Action!" and a guy walked buy with a big lighting rig. I assumed they were filming a commercial, but I was wrong. They were filming the Lifetime TV series Drop Dead Diva.

I honestly have not seen the show, because up until Monday I thought it was a Lifetime movie which I thought I had missed. But now I realize that I will have to start watching it. The premise of the show is that a beautiful young woman gets hit by a car and in the process of her soul going to heaven there is a mix up. Her soul ends up in a chubby lawyers body and the lawyers soul goes to heaven. But wait, the plot thickens! It turns out that the lawyers boss is the, now considered dead, models boyfriend!

Sounds like a pretty cute show. The few people I've talked to about it have said that they love the show, so I'll be checking it out!

Until next time, keep smiling!

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