Saturday, November 20, 2010

Body by Vi 90 Day Challange

Hey everyone, I know it's been a while since I last posted, but life has been hectic! Still trying to catch up on work after vacation and getting ready for the holidays!

If any of you have seen my YouTube channel you can probably see that I am overweight. Obese, to be exact. I have always struggled with weight. I just think about food and I gain weight.

Well, I've started on a new adventure and thought that I would blog about it so you could follow my journey.

I never heard of Visalus before last week, but a friend of mine introduced it to me. We were visiting and her husband gave me a smoothie. It was YUMMY! I asked what it was and they told me that it's a new diet that they are doing.

I signed up last week and received my box of goodies yesterday. I know you must think that this is just another fad, but I beg to differ. The shakes actually taste GOOD and the cookies are excellent. There is a lot of fiber in all the products which helps you to feel full (also very regular...ahem.).

I'll keep you posted!

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