Sunday, February 21, 2010

Project 10 Pan Update and Ideas

This is just a quick post to update you on my P10P Round 2 Progress...I kind of cheated, but not really. They were taking up a collection for toiletries at church and I was able to donate 14 items. Only one was a true "cosmetic" it was an eye shadow trio that I never opened and had planned on returning, but never did. The rest of the products were shampoos, conditioners, hairspray, toothpaste and toothbrushes.

I have a habit of buying stuff when it's on sale regardless if I need it, so I was able to clear out a lot of room by donating these things and help someone else out!

I have also decided to repeat the "Do you need that?" mantra in my mind whenever tempted to buy something when its on sale. For example, I have to use Sensodyne toothpaste...why did I buy 2 tubes of Colgate? Duh...they were on sale. So, I pledge to think before I buy.

I'd like to say that it's sister and I used to "go shopping" at Mom's house when we first moved out. She always had these kind of products stocked on her shelves. I remember as a kid, when toilet paper would be on sale she would have each of us buy some (it usually had a limit per person). I thought having a closet full of products was normal.

Yes, I think it's prudent to buy products that you use regularly when on sale, but not to randomly buy stuff because it's on sale.

What are your thoughts and experiences with this? I'd love to hear that we weren't the only family stockpiling toilet paper!

Take care!

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