Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Initial Thoughts - Palladio Waterproof Mascara

OK, so yes, I'm still doing round 2 of Project 10 Pan and I have purchased a couple of new technically I've cheated. Ooops.

I don't really think that mascaras should count against me though since they either expire or dry up quickly. So I guess what I'm saying is that....I'm not going to count them against me.

OK, now that I've justified my purchase of this Palladio Waterproof Mascara I'll get to my initial thoughts on this.

Honestly I didn't have very high expectations for this product. I just grabbed it when I was at Sally's the other day. It was cheap and I thought it was worth trying.

I don't love it, but I don't hate it either. The pigmentation is excellent. Very inky dark black, so that was a plus. The finish is kind of old school. My lashes felt hard, not soft like a lot of mascaras feel now. It held a curl decently and came off without problems. Wear is decent, no flaking noted during an 8 hour day.

Now the negatives...the smell is definitely "herbal". It didn't bother me, I only smelled it while I was putting it on. Once it dries you don't smell anything. Not a deal breaker for me, but I'm just putting it out there.

The big negative is the brush. I'm not going to sugar coat sucks. The bristles are very stiff and far apart. They spiral down a very small brush. I had a hard time applying it and keeping it off my eyelids.

I'm going to stop by Sally's this weekend and pick up some disposable mascara brushes and see if that makes a difference. I'll let you know.

Thanks for checking out this post.

Let me know your thoughts on this product and any requests you have for me to review.

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